Midway ISD Bond Resolution

Midway ISD Bond Resolution

WHEREAS, the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce is charged with strengthening, growing, and diversifying the regional economy, and attracting and retaining talented, creative individuals, and

WHEREAS, regional employers consistently indicate that access to talent is one of their most important needs and greatest challenges, and is vital to their ability to effectively compete in a highly-competitive global economy, and

WHEREAS, having access to an educated, skilled, and work-ready labor force is critical to retaining and growing our existing employers and attracting new business and industry to greater Waco, and

WHEREAS, local school districts play a critical role in meeting the workforce needs of our regional employers, and

WHEREAS, the Midway ISD is experiencing continued rapid growth in enrollment, growing from 7,183 students in 2010 – 2011, to 8,305 students in 2018 – 2019, with enrollment expected to grow to approximately 10,700 students in 2027 – 2028, and

WHEREAS, the Midway ISD bond is designed to address the district’s anticipated rapid growth, with 94% of the bond earmarked for growth projects including the construction of a new elementary school, conversion of Woodgate and River Valley, the renovation of Midway Middle School, and expansion of Career & Technical Education facilities, and 6% of the bond to be invested in capital improvements to include roof replacements, HVAC system replacements, and technology facility renovations, and

WHEREAS, the Midway ISD tax rate will not increase as a result of the bond election. In fact, the tax rate will decrease;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce supports passage of the Midway ISD bond.

Adopted this 16th day of October, 2019 by the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

Matthew T. Meadors
President & CEO

Loren P. Schwartz
Board Chair


Learn more about the Midway ISD bond >


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