
Greater Waco Education to Workforce Forum

2024 Greater Waco Education to Workforce Forum | Monday, Oct. 7 | ESC Region 12 | 9 a.m.

Greater Waco’s strategic workforce challenge is meeting the demand of current and future industry as our economy continues to grow and expand. As technology and innovation impacts all industries and sectors, what are the implications for our local education and workforce systems? Join the Greater Waco Chamber as we bring together industry, education, and workforce development organizations to network, share ideas, and learn what we can do to ensure our region continues building the skilled workforce needed now and into the future.


8 a.m. Registration

9 a.m. Welcome

9:15 a.m. The Importance of Aligning Business, Education, and the Community

10 a.m. Regional Education to Workforce Collaboration

Current State of K12 Education

Building the Education to Workforce Collaboration - Year 1 Reflections
Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce - Matt Meadors

11 a.m. Break

11:10 a.m. Healthcare Careers Panel

12 p.m. Lunch & Student Internship Panel

1 p.m. Networking Break

1:30 p.m. Technical Careers Panel

2:20 p.m. Break

2:30 p.m. Business, Marketing, and Finance Careers Panel

3:20 p.m. Closing Presentation


Tiffany Gallegos Whitley
Senior Director of Workforce & Talent

Rachel Martinez
Director of Workforce & Talent