
Business Retention & Expansion

The Business Retention and Expansion program of the Greater Waco Chamber supports and advances the growth of existing industries in McLennan County.

About Us

The Business Retention and Expansion program of the Greater Waco Chamber supports and advances the growth of existing industries in McLennan County. A full-time staff person dedicated to meet with businesses one-on-one and learn more about their needs and opportunities for expansion. The program provides turn-key service with on-site visits with local executives, business assistance and issue resolution, project support, supplier networks, international business development and industry appreciation events.

The goal of the Business Retention and Expansion program is to foster relationships with our local employers who provide jobs for Greater Waco. We want to respond to their needs and be a valuable resource for their business success.

Sherwin Williams Storage

On-Site Visits

The Business Retention & Expansion Program conducts more than 100 on-site business visitations in McLennan County annually. In coordination with government officials and business volunteers, the team meets with executives to understand the company’s operations and to stay in touch with the business’ needs. Information gathered through these visits is strictly confidential and used only to create aggregate reports about the industries of Greater Waco. Detailed issues of concerns are never reported publicly.

L3Harris-Cabin Mod_Web

Business Assistance

Have a concern or issue with your business? Let our team know. We are here to help! Businesses don’t always have the time or resources necessary to identify solutions to the roadblocks in their operations. The Greater Waco Chamber’s business research staff stands ready to provide local, regional, state or national data and can assist with special research projects as needed. We also can assist by referring local issues to the appropriate agency. Consider our team your personal customer service providers ready to assist you in finding the answers to your business challenges.

Camp Bowwow Groundbreaking

Expansion Support

Whether you are growing your workforce, expanding your facility or adding a production line, our team is available to help your company. Utilizing the resources available through our numerous service partners, we can identify the assistance programs and opportunities available to maximize the investment you are making in your facility. A local expansion in Greater Waco is just as important as the attraction of a new company to our community.

New Markets

The Greater Waco Chamber also can help local companies enter the global market. With continuous advances in technology, global business is becoming easier than ever, and local resources are available to identify potential markets and clients. In addition, our team can assist in understanding the international reporting requirements and ways of avoiding potential pitfalls. Join the many companies in Greater Waco accessing business worldwide.

Supplier Network

Having suppliers and vendors readily accessible can be a great asset to any business. The on-site visits help us develop a strong database of local resources. Working with you and other local businesses, we can identify opportunities to grow Greater Waco’s supplier network.


The Greater Waco Chamber brings companies together to share best practices, improve business opportunities and enhance the local business environment and the overall community. The Chamber has created business alliances for key industry sectors to address issues critical to their success. Consider participating in the alliances for aviation, health care or area industry managers—or let us know of a group you would like to start.


Local & County

  • Industrial Tax Abatement (City, County, Community College)
  • Industrial Business Grants
  • Freeport Tax Exemption
  • Economic Development Corporations
  • Waco Industrial Foundation
  • Heart of Texas Workforce Solutions
  • Small Business Development Center
  • Bond Financing
    • Industrial Revenue Bond Program
    • Industrial Development Corporation Bonds
  • U.S. Foreign Trade Zone No. 246
  • Brownfields Redevelopment

Brazos River Corridor/Urban Development

  • Building Construction Waiver Fee
  • Tax Increment Financing Zone
  • Historic Preservation Tax Credits
  • Facade Improvement Grant Program
  • Public Improvement District

State of Texas

  • Texas Enterprise Fund
  • Emerging Technology Program
  • Texas Enterprise Zone Program and Projects
  • Sales & Use Tax Exemptions
    • Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment
    • Natural Gas & Electricity
  • Skills Development Fund
  • Texas Product / Business Fund
  • Defense Economic Readjustment Zone Program
  • Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Program
  • Texas Capital Fund Real Estate Development Program
  • Texas Industry Development Revolving Loan Program
  • Renewable Energy Incentives – Tax Exemption & Deduction
  • Economic Development Bank

VanTran Transformers to Expand in Waco, Texas

VanTran Transformers, a leading manufacturer of oil filled transformers will expand manufacturing capabilities in Waco, Texas.  VanTran, who has operated ...
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More information:

Director of Economic Development:
Lexy Reil | lreil@wacochamber.com | (254) 757-5630

Economic Development Coordinator:
Debbie McCutchen | dmccutchen@wacochamber.com | (254) 757-5636

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